If you visit Moc Chau town of Son La province, in Vietnam, you will have opportunities to watch the magic beauty which the nature grants this area, live in a primeval scene of the early days of the life on the earth.
Dai yem waterfall also called Ban Vat by local people is a historical landscape, which is close related to the inhabitant history of Thai people in Muon Sang land long time ago. The name Dai Yem is derived from a story about the brassiere of the girl who saved a boy from the flood.

The Vat spring flows to the waterfall has a length of about 5km. Water would fill the spring all year round. When it flows to this part, the spring is blocked by the limestone wall, and the water is stagnant and flows back to the lower bank and stroll down to create the waterfall to gather in the spring. Bo Sap is a large spring, which derives from Bo Sap village where the border of Vietnamese and Laos in Yen Chau land.
Back to the upstream of the spring, tourists would reach the first waterfall. The internal parts of the spring have many small and medium rocks with various strange shapes. In the rain season ( April to September), the whole 70m of the width is a white curtain to flows to the river, which makes it romantic and poetic. The second waterfall has only one line from the height of 50m. The trees in the top of the waterfall are very plentiful to create the grandiosity for landscape.

The waterfall comprises of two levels of falls with the second one located 150 meters at an angle below the first one. Above the second waterfall is a floral stretch of land from where visitors can view the surrounding mountainous view.
The Dai Yem Waterfall looks
most stunning during the rainy season from April to September every
year, when the 70-meter wide fall gushes water down its slope, looking a
dazzling white and imposingly dramatic and poetic.
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